Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Work Out...

Oh God, please be with me tomorrow... I have been very successful with dieting. I managed to lose 16 pounds thus far with just watching what goes into my mouth. Look, to me thats the easy part to dieting only because I barely eat as it is. What scares me the most with this whole diet is the work out regime!  Now, let's talk about my gym... ** long pause** Dick City Central! As soon as I hit the door, BAM! I feel like men are watching me. As I look straight ahead trying not to make eye contact with any of these dudes, I feel more and more uncomfortable. My other LA Fitness was not like this hip hop club of a gym! Maybe I should get a membership at Curves instead of LA FITNESS... Naaaah, the thought of 50 year old women trying to show me up cuz they are in better shape would just piss me the hell off. And I don't wanna trip an old ass lady up and make her fall and break a hip... O_o
So I went to LA Fitness last week to renew my membership... First off lets talk about how DAVE! at the gym was trying to make bank on me! First off DAAAAVE! I don't like the gotdayum gym in the first place!  So no im not going to pay you $129 to come to this bitch only twice a week!!! This Asian must have lost his lil kong pow chicken mind! Nope ain't gonna happen I have to get my nails done tomorrow.  So, $76 dollars later... **long pause followed by a blank stare** I got a membership key chain again and now I am ready to hit the gym baby! WooooooHoooo!!!!!... Yea right bitch! Do you know it's going on 2 weeks and I have yet, to step foot inside of that gym. And the sad thing about this story is that, I have to pass the gym everyday to go and from work. This is a mind issue. I think with me, I tend to have it all together, but I really am struggling to make this work. I am not just being a slacker, I lack something that is holding me back from losing this weight and going inside of this gym! Up until yesterday...
Well yesterday I went to the gym. Earphones in, Rick Ross blaring (cuz that big breasted man is my motivation) no worries, I got this!  I had to pep talk my ass out of the car! WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME! I was seriously scared to walk inside of this gym. It was packed. Sweaty men were all over the place and I was meeting eyes with some of these dudes. I look like shit, I feel dumpy as hell, I aint ready for this... I get on the stair climber only because all of the treadmills are taken. After 7minutes and 45seconds of me being on the stair climber, I almost died... No, seriously my legs had no feeling... A little cute petite woman hops off her treadmill and I'm like YESSSSS!!!! Nooooo bitch, noooooo!!!!!!!!!! No you are not ready! I stayed on the treadmill for 10minutes at 4.5 speed. I am not this outta shape. Just 3 months ago I was running non stop on the treadmill for 10-15 minutes! But at this moment in time, my body was telling me, not today you thick Mcdouble!
My mouth was dry, my head was getting dizzy and I was feeling like I had to throw up! Oooooh no, Yolanda dont make an ass outta yourself! I quickly went into my car, laid my head back on the seat and called my co-worker who is in tip top shape to tell her about my experience. Emmy I don't think I can do this. Im about to die BITCH!!!! I think I'm just gonna watch what I eat. I feel like I am going to pass the hell out! Snickering... Uhmmmm, why is Emmy laughing out loud at me...??? I feel some kinda way about this.. Emmy asked me what I ate before going to the gym... I had an egg white omlet that morning and a banana @7pm before the gym. "Bitch! Are you trying to kill yourself while running! " Emily, why are you yelling at me... :( What? What did I do wrong?? Emmy explained to me that I didn't put enough in, to exert that amount of energy out. So I had to eat something right away. I did that an instantly felt better!  My mom checked my sugar level and Emmy was right.  I was low... So tomorrow I met up with a trainer and he is going to show me how to work out properly... Again,  I am going to do my best... I will have another story for ya! And maybe even a few pics as well... we will see! Until tomorrow my loves!!! Muah ♥♥♥

BTW excuse all typos this blog was done all on my droid! :))


  1. I know exactly how you felt, that's the exact reason that I wont work out at a gym... AND I HAVE ONE AT MY JOB. UGH- and I totally understand the whole "had to talk myself out of the car". IDK Yogi, I think its that we know what we have to do. We know that it will be hard, and that we want it really badly. I think for me its fear of actually achieving my goal. I've never been afraid of greatness- I mean it's my middle name- LOL (j/k) but seriously. My point is that it's life altering. If we really do what we are setting out to do- the results are life altering...hmm heavy- and deep. Anyway, great post, can't wait to read the next one. PeaceLoveHappiness- Elle

  2. I think our fear is that of the unknown. We have been in thses bodies for so long that the change is scary. I totally feel you. I have been doing one blog a week, but I think I may have to do more... Thanks for the support sis! And we are getting healthy and fit together! No fear when you have friends!!!!

  3. Miss P. Get your life. lmao!!! you are a darn hot mess. and Yes clearly you didn't eat enough to be working out like a crazy person. So lesson learned. Eat well and more and work out.
