Monday, February 11, 2013

The Work Out... Part 2

Okay, look... I acknowledge that in order to maintain a healthy life style, you must have some physical activity. I know this! But that still doesn't change the fact that I kinda hate working out and I am the laziest person when it comes to doing it. Neither here nor there, I decided that I was going to renew my gym membership at L.A. Fitness. Nice gym, but too many people. I swear! Only in Atlanta, Georgia will you find whores on a treadmill with full face, hair weave and  a pump it up bra with booty pads included... DAYUM! It's okay ladies if you need a little attention, but some of us really over do it! I just want go to the gym as I am and get fit!!!!! But I had to succumb to the fact that while you are in Rome, you must do what the Romans do! So, I too went to the gym with my titts all out with the tightest leggins that showed a slight camel toe along with the reddest lipstick ever to meet up with my trainer G for the first time! Look I had to put my best face forward! 
I had to reschedule my appointment to meet up with G 3 times! No it's not because I was avoiding the gym and my trainer. I had a lifestyle change. I quit my job at the spa and I had to hustle, hustle real hard to get my paper flowing back to me! One thing I DO NOT play with is my money and my time. So between me doing makeup for reality television celebs, and demanding makeup clients. My diet slacked off. When you are working non stop and never really get a break, you pick up the quickest meal you can find to help your hunger. This could be one of the reasons why I put on the pounds over the years. Not preparing my meals and going to the quickest drive thru...  So, yes I cancelled on G 3 times before I actually met him. When I introduced myself to him he busted out laughing! He knew me before he even laid eyes on me only because I kept calling, scheduling and rescheduling.  I quickly explained what happen and why I had to cancel on him so many times. He gave me a BITCH YEA RIGHT look and told me to sit down and have a talk. He asked about my goals and where I wanted to be by April (<------ This is when my future hubby gets back home!!) So after a long discussion, we started the WORK OUT... Oh Lord Jesus be with me... The warm up was intense, so I knew the work out was about to kick my ass!!!!
Beach Body Body Ball
OKAY! So let's talk about the BIG ASS BALL that almost killed me! You know what, I didn't sign up for this! I was done by the third routine. But something in the back of my head was saying, "Don't even think about giving up! PUSH BITCH PUSH! You can do this! Your ass is outta shape, get back into shape!" All of this was playing in my head while I kept it moving! Then we started doing some squats that contained a little heavy ball that has my whole upper body aching! What's up with the balls man?!? Balls are supposed to be fun to play with... 
These are the exact exercises he had me to do today. This was for my abs and lower body he stated. Well a few hours have gone by and I just tried walking DOWN the stairs in my house and I almost passed out! What in the hell?!? Even though today was a difficult day, I wont give up and I don't think you should either. Keep pushing, keep fighting, and if you happen to fall off the bandwagon... Run your chubby ass until you catch back up and hop back on it again! I hope you have a great workout week! 


  1. I don't even know were to begin with this foolishness. LMAO!!!! again..... Okay proud you now have a trainer. I wish I need to have commitment from myself and my desires before I can actually say I will commit to a darn trainer. But that is another story for another day. Now as far as the way you dress girl be about your business and that is what counts at the end of the day. Who cares if these other women look half crazy at the gym. It is a gym. I am sexy in anything. GET IT!!! You do I know because you have by blood line. hahaha.... Goals are always good to have right now I have a 90 goal. So we will see if I am strong enough to complete this goal. I tend to back out after a while. But the purpose is to get me past 21days to make it a routine and habit.

  2. Wow, your Blogs always make me Laugh Out Loud! Anyways you are such a motivation to me because i am trying to lose weight with Zumba , Jillian Michaels, and Tae Bo and it's working.Persistance is the key in my case. Keep up the good work girl!

  3. you are awesome at writing and keeping me rolling while you do it. LOL- <3
