Thursday, February 21, 2013

Work Out for Love

Would You Work Out for Love???

Would you or could you drop the LB's if your partner was less attracted to you due to weight gain? A lot of women and men struggle with this issue. I have a few friends who have gotten married over the last few years. Some of them have remain the same size since college. But some of my friends kinda got relaxed with their new spouses and their weight has ballooned outta control. Recently I got into a relationship that made me extra happy! I am so happy to the point of me wanting to lose weight! Don't get me wrong. My love has never said anything to me about my weight or my size. I think if he did, we would no longer be together. I feel that if you get into a relationship with a person and they don't accept you for who you are, SCREW THEM! They are undeserving of your love, time and affection. 
But, on the other hand, is it okay to gain tons of weight after being with a person for a long period of time. Women go on these crazy wedding diets to look beautiful on their BIG day! Only to get BIGGER 6 months after the wedding. That aint right ladies! What about the weight we gain after the babies come?!?!? How long should it take to get the baby weight off? Everyone's body is different. So what might take one woman 6 weeks to lose extra pounds, might take another woman 6 months! 
Men, the same thing goes for you! Your wife gets pregnant, and the next thing we see is your belly poking out of a shirt! So not cool dude... I think that women are more forgiving when it comes to baldness and belly's. But men can't shake the fact that women over the years gain extra weight due to a lot of things. So with this being said, If you have a partner who has gained a few pounds over the years and you see that they are not the same. They are lacking confidence and are feeling more and more uncomfortable about their weight gain, help them!  Here are a few tips to encourage them and not discourage them! 

5. Pack a lunch for your spouse that is healthy and cute. If you fix a nice healthy salad, give them a low calorie treat with an I LOVE YOU note attached. This shows your love that you care about their health and not their weight.. 
4. Suggest going out on the town to dance! One sure way to burn some calories is to get down on the good foot with the one you love!

 3.If you have children, simple activities like bike riding can get the whole family involved with exercise! Playing tag for 10 minutes can get the heart rate going! Even though I don't have  kids, I love taking my niece and nephew roller skating! FUN! FUN! FUN! 

2. Stop eating out all of the time! It's not healthy or cost efficient at all! Try new healthy recipes and cook together. In the midst of your cooking sneak a kiss or two here or there! 

1.After that meal, try a little dessert... On your partner!
 Dr. Weiders, Calories Burned by Sex Study shows that you can burn up to 900 calories during a night of hot steamy SEX! Hello! Tantric Sexual Healing also engages your partner, stretches the body and gets you in the mood to burn up those calories in the bed!  

There is no perfect body. We all have our insecurities and hang ups about our reflection in the mirror. I think that women bring more attention to themselves by being so insecure at times. I guess that's what we do. In the end, if you have a spouse, partner, boyfriend or girlfriend. Love them no matter what. Accept their perfect imperfections and encourage them to live a healthier and sexier life! Until next time, Eat Right and Keep it Tight!  

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