Thursday, February 21, 2013

I Must Admit...

To thine own self be true Yolanda! 

Okay, I must admit it to myself and to those of you who follow me... My gym routine has been a little slack. I am not the one to make excuses, but it's not my fault!!! I started going to the gym with all intentions on working out to help boost my weight loss. But since my near death experience, I was kinda scared of the gym. So, I decided that I needed to get a trainer. I would need he or she show me what I need to do, in order to get me where I want to be. So I finally met up with my trainer at LA Fitness to see what he was talking about. He was a wonderful guy. We talked  and he asked me a few questions like, Why I wanted to lose weight? What foods do I like the most? You know, the things a trainer would ask on your first meet and greet. Then we went and started my work out. Not too bad! He was actually kind! Nothing crazy like the nazi's on television who you see make fat boys and girls puke all over the screen! No, he was encouraging and I like him! The work out was intense enough to have me sore for the next few days, so it worked! I liked him! After the work out, I went back to his desk to discuss the financial commitment of having a trainer. 
I already made up in my mind that I wanted to pay $150 a month to meet up with my trainer once or twice a week. I just need the essentials! Teach me how to use the equipment, show me how to work out my core, and instruct me on how to tone and tighten all over! In between our sessions I will work out myself and make it work for me! Well, after sitting me down, we started talking. I find out that my trainer isn't going to be my trainer. The man that I felt comfortable with for the past hour is a manager who basically is there to take my payment...  My trainer is actually a man who after meeting him for the first 5 seconds, I could tell he was trying to calculate how he was going to get me naked in the steam room after hours... #1 I hate men who think they are the shit. After flashing me his million dollar smile, I noticed he was holding a pink and purple heart iphone case. I look at the phone with a smirk on my face and say, "Cute phone case... I like the purple sparkle hearts..." Instantly I knew he was holding a chicks phone! There was no way in hell, that was this dudes phone! He quickly stated that it's his other clients phone. A woman then walks up to us with a sports bra and spandex on and says she needed her phone. She says this while looking at me up and down... Wooooow! This dude is a gym pimp! Oh no thanks! I am not subscribing to this! Can you just imagine me working out on all fours and this dude touching and grabbing some of my 2000 parts??? Yea, no thanks. I'm good! 
 And on top of me finding out that he was going to be my trainer, I was going to have to pay $190 to sign up plus $180 a month and on top of that I was going to have to sign a contract that tied me into this deal for 50 weeks!! Wooooooooooo Nelly!! This is way too much and I don't want to commit to that! This is not something I want to even consider. 
So I have been avoiding that gym all together.
I have been doing floor exercises at home but I really don't think it's doing what I want it to do! So I am soliciting help! LOL! If you have any exercises that you think will help to trim, tighten and tone, hit me up at! I love to get emails from you guys! I got some wonderful recipes and tips for weight loss! KEEP IT COMING!  Also, if you are a trainer and you want to work with me, please e-mail me as well. I would love to feature you in my blog! Until next time FAT GUYS AND GURLS, eat right and keep it TIGHT!!!! Muah! 


  1. There is no way in HELL they would get that much money out of me. NEVER. EVER.

  2. Elle too much money and locking me into a contract for a year...
