Monday, April 22, 2013

Fight The Bloat!

Ok its on! We have a CHALENGE! 
Last week I was chilling, minding my business and I get a loud knock on my door. Such an obnoxious knock, I knew it could only be one person... My niece Courtney and her boyfriend.  After staying at my house for almost the whole day. I made the comment that Terrell,  (Courts boyfriend) was looking buff! Oh Lord, why did I say this??? After that comment Terrell wanted to do push ups and sit ups! Well guess what foo! I can do that too! Before you knew it, we were all CHALLENGING eachother! Terrell would do 15 , Courtney would do 20! It all came to a crashing hault when this boy tried to bench press my dumb ass niece! This chick is crazy and Terell is crazier than I thought!  Lol! There was no way he would survive this attempt! I put them both in time out before I had to call 911... After acting crazy I came up with a challenge! Lets see who can get summer time fine with a flat tummy within A month! By this time my niece Hilaire, Courtney's twin came in to visit.  I convinced them all to participate in the challenge and the did!!!! So this is the challenge.  We all are doing a different diet.  Some of us are eating no carbs, some of us are just eating less, and some of us are turning into gym rats! At the end of May,  we well all line up and see who has the leanest tummy! Who ever has the smallest waistline wins a a free dinner date, movie and swim suit! I am excited because I know I AM GOING TO WIN!!!!  Why don't you challenge yourself and the ones you love. Its a perfect way to get healthy together. Make sure to tune in to my victory! !!! Eat right and keep it tight!
Who dont u think is going to win? Remember this is based on inches not pounds.  As u can see, some of us have an unfair advantage... 


  1. Okay like I said I am totally down for this waist line focus you heard! So we will see. This challenge is all about inches lost and I know I can do this. So send out the notes. We want to see before and after along with inches for the before and inches on the after. May 30th Ladies it is on. Peace love and cupcakes lol

  2. Big Achiever Doc, you would end your lil note with cupcakes... Look here big girl, you can't sabotage me! Imma eat this cupcake and im done! Lol
