Friday, April 26, 2013

The Beaux is Back

How Can I Stay Focused

Many of you don't know about my personal life. I kinda am a private person and I really keep to my self when it comes to my relationships. I feel like a lot of times when you are happy and you start speaking on it, you can jinx your relationship. People want what you have! Before you know it, drama pops up outta no where! To be honest, I am 30 years old. I have noooo time for bullshit and drama. I want marriage, I want children, I want a healthy, strong and meaningful relationship. I don't think its much to ask for... With that being said, hey guys meet Corey!

I have known Corey now for almost, lets see here... 3 years. And I think he is a pretty decent guy. Of course we all have our flaws, but with him its nothing major. He is soft spoken, pretty gentle with me and my feelings and most of all he is a wonderful dad to a pretty little girl. I met him one night at a grand opening for a restaurant called Purple Rain. I was cute, but real regular this particular night. Usually when I go out to grand openings, I doll her up with makeup and push the girls all the way up to thee top! Lol. But this particular night, my friend Tonita convinced me to go out with her. I really didn't want to go out. But friendship rules! I threw on this over sized one shoulder out sweater, leggings and a pair of pumps.  Why did I do that? When I got there, press was out taking pics, celebs were there, hoochies were out with band aids on, and a cute guy playing the drums was there as well... Yup, my baby is a talented musician. During his break from playing, he sat across from me and kept starring! I felt under done and outta place. So I wasn't trying to talk to him. But on his 2nd and final break of the night, he came over and talked to me. We exchanged numbers and the rest is history.
That leads me to the following... Corey is a drummer. And he has been gone for a loooooong 6 months. Our schedules conflict and I haven't been able to go and see him when he ports in New Orleans. I am a girl who doesn't need a lot. But when I need love and affection, I need it like a drug. When Corey left I knew he would be gone for a long time. I made the decision that when he came back, I wanted to be shape. I wanted to look and feel sexy. I think when u look and feel sexy, that energy bounces off of you and attacks the person whom you are with. When I saw Corey at the airport, I had on a form fitted Reco Chapelle dress, high heels and fabulous bedroom tossled hair. I had confidence! I felt certain that he desired me. I was happy to see this man who I hadn't touched, felt, smelled, kissed or made love to in 6 months... Crazy right! I know. It drove me almost INSANE!

 I MUST STAY FOCUSED! Since Corey has been back I have not been to the gym. I have not worked out and even though I control my portions, I have been eating whatever the hell he wants to eat. Women, you know we can't do what men do! Corey can drop weight instantly. Me on the other hand, has to keep my ass stayed in the gym to burn off thigh meat! I have to stay focused. Even though I want to be next to my man 24/7 (cuz he is leaving again soon) I can't be. I have to work out still and keep it sexy for us. I also think that when men see you focused on other things besides them, it keeps them intrigued. So, tomorrow I am going to the gym early in the a.m. to hit the paint hard! I got a body to keep healthy and in shape for ME! Then I am going to see about that man who I am growing more and more fond of by the minute... Tehehehe. ;) Remember ladies! EAT RIGHT AND KEEP IT TIGHT! 

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